The performances were extremely passionate - almost as passionate as the town hall meetings that are occuring around the country about health care. So I asked some of the Elvi, as well as some attractive Dallas professionals at happy hour, some important questions about their health.
What was the worst illness or injury you've had? Pneumonia when I was little.
What is your medication of choice? Antibiotics, especially Z-pac. I had bronchitis recently.
Do you have health insurance? Yes.
What was the worst illness or injury you've had? Busting my chin open in a fight over a girl.
What is your medication of choice? Tums - I take them all the time.
Do you have health insurance? No.
What was the worst illness or injury you've had? A boxer's fracture - I had a fight with the wall. It took 5 weeks to heal.
What is your medication of choice? Adaptex - it's an appetite suppressant and I take it once a day. I'm not into hardcore drugs.
Do you have health insurance? Yes.
What was the worst illness or injury you've had? 1. C-section - knocked me on my ass for weeks. 2. Freshman year in college - the doctor misdiagnosed me as having strep throat, but it was really tonsilitis.
What is your medication of choice? Alka Seltzer - for so many things - sore throat, upset stomach, hangover!
Do you have health insurance? Yes.
Do you have health insurance? Yes.
What was the worst illness or injury you've had? Arthroscopic surgery on my ankle. It was a basketball injury.
What is your medication of choice? Mushrooms, under the right circumstances.
Do you have health insurance? Yes. Thanks to the government, my COBRA is now being subsidized!
What was the worst illness or injury you've had? I broke my ankle wrestling in high school. I was in the 108 lb weight class sophomore year, 135 lb weight class senior year.
What is your medication of choice? Vodka.
Do you have health insurance? Yes.
What was the worst illness or injury you've had? Last year, I fell down the stairs and cracked my head. I got three staples, a major concussion and minor brain trauma.
What is your medication of choice? Vicodin. It makes me relax.
Do you have health insurance? Yes.
Luckily, the worst illness I had involved a tainted chicken pizza from UNOS and some puking at a hipster club and on subway later that night. It was more embarrassing than anything.
Post your worst illness/injury or medication of choice here.