Sunday, September 14, 2008

my 1st time getting hit by a car and other transportation related events

Today, i was hit by a car while riding my bike to yoga. Definitely not zen-inducing! A woman was at a stop sign and I was crossing the street, and she wasn't looking in the direction she was turning! Of course, I fell off my bike and hit the pavement and my first thought was "OMG, i'm screwed." but then i stood up and everything felt fine. Then i got mad. The woman definitely took a minute to get out of the car and I tried to be mean, but she helped me readjust my bike, and she stood there for quite some time to make sure i was ok. A guy who was working valet parking at a nearby restaurant ran across the street to make sure I was ok. He also said his friend had just hit another bike rider 20 minutes ago on the same corner. A guy in a gigantic SUV stopped and told me he would help me fix my bike. Turns out he didn't have any tools, but he told me i had a cool bike. I appreciated that everyone was so helpful. My left ankle and front wheel are a little mangled, but otherwise ok. I was really shaky though and it took a few minutes to calm down before class.

Luckily, I was GOING to yoga! The yoga really helped me take my mind off it, and i had a great class.

Of course, a few minutes later, a blond bitchy girl in a shiny new Audi zoomed out from a driveway and didn't stop when she saw me, and I had to majorly brake to avoid hitting her. She didn't seem to care.

On the way home, there was a lot of traffic on McKinney for some reason. The weather was amazing today, so everyone was outside eating and drinking. There was some honking and then i saw this girl pull up along side another car and start screaming her head off with both middle fingers in the air. Is it really worth it?!

I also took a long bike ride down to the farmers market this morning, and it was awesome! I had a little bit of anxiety because it was my longest ride in the city yet, but it was amazing.

Hummer count: 7 huge ass gross Hummers!

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