Monday, July 28, 2008

Not an instant connection

You know how sometimes you go somewhere and you think "OMG, i could totally live here!" even though you've only walked down the street, or had a really good sandwich or something like that? So I don't feel that way about Dallas, and it's been 2 weeks.

I feel like there is potential, however, so I'm going to remain optimistic.

So today was a day of firsts.
1. I got Texas plates today (!!!!), and i put them on my car MYSELF. this is the first time i've ever done this.
2. I took my bike for my first ride around town. The first 10 minutes was really cool, but i thought my wheels were kind of flat. On the ride home, my seat started twisting and turning and it kind of freaked me out. It was totally what i thought would happen - my bike would just fall apart as I was riding down the street. I was DYING to get home so i could readjust, but I'll try again tomorrow.
3. I went to my first independent coffee shop! True to Dallas, the A/C was blazing. It was still cute, and I got some reading done.
4. Hummer count - zero!

I've also noticed that I have been tearing up a lot during reality TV shows. I shed some tears watching Made on MTV. A teen performed a hip hop dance at her talent show, and i don't know what came over me. I've totally become a Carebear.

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